Мы создаем и развиваем сильные бренды
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GoGrow Education
Marketing for non-marketers - fundamentals
1.The power of marketing – role and value of the brands
2.Marketing engine – what is in scope
3.Skills mix (economy fundometals, sociology, analitycs, creative)
4.It all starts with right goal setting – how the right goal should look like
5.Market analysys (macro & micro, competition overview, SWOT)
6.Get to know your customer/TA – who, when, how?
7.Research basics (how to ask the question/ read the results)
8.Needstate of the category
9.Brand framing/ product development
10.Brand fundomentals
11.Brand character
12.4 P (cross team collaboration)
13.Communication strategy
14.Intergrated marketing plan (creative, media)
15.How we measure results
16.Usefull reading
Format: 2 days - 16 hours
Practical exercises and group work
Presentation of a new vision of the current situation
Pre and post testing
Presentation / handout and incentive material / tests / certificates
Offline educational courses developed by our experts based on international theory, real-life experience and cases for the growth of business competencies.
For more information and in case of a special request, please write to us info@gogrow.kz
Brief that deliveres:
1.Background, competitive environment, key business indicators?
2.What are the main challenges or business opportunities?
3.How can this task / campaign solve this problem?
4.Who is our target audience that will ensure us growth?
5.What are the desired results that we want to get at the end?
6.How will we measure success- indicators and metrics?
7.What is the main message of communication or task?
8.What do we want our client to do in the end?
9.Brand fundamentals: attributes, emotional and rational benefits, promise, character, legend, mission and vision?
10.Agency technical requirements and tasks
11.Preferences (channels, budget restrictions, etc.)
12.UsefuUsefull reading
Format: 1 day - 8 hours
Examples of high-quality and low-quality briefs
Practical exercises and group work
Pre and post testing
Presentation / handout and incentive material / tests / certificates
New product development
1.It all starts with goal setting – how the right goal should look like
2.New product development roadmap
3.Market analysys (macro & micro, competition overview, SWOT)
4.Get to know your customer/TA – who, when, how
5.Research basics (how to pace the right question/. Read results)
6.Barriers and source of growth
7.Needstate of the category
8.What brand delivers
9.Brand fundomentals
10.Brand character
11.Product - Brand development (look & Feel including design, formula, packaging)
12.Pricing strategy
13.Place asiggnment
14.Promotion strategy
15.Action calendar
16.How we measure results
Format: 2 days - 16 hours
Practical exercises and group work
Presentation of the projects developed in groups
Pre and post testing
Presentation / handout and incentive material / tests / certificates